In a situation that one cannot meet or provide essential services for self, then external help is desired. Sserinya community needs help in Education by helping the primary school in any way possible; in agriculture by providing services and supplies in any way possible; water supply by funding a well or borehole of your choice; Environmental conservation by giving conservation tips and materials and personelle as may be deemed necessary; and helping the families that need help of various kinds like shelter, food, clothing, scholastic materials, child sponsorship, health services and supplies among others.
A big thumbs up to the very many people of God that have helped the community to the level where it is. Once the organisation staff comes back to you, please do not hezitate to help again. If you have not helped, please save a life in Sserinya and you help us enhance community development.
I love what you guys are doing there. The kids and your staff are also wonderful. I want to donate. PayPal or even submitting to your bank if PayPal is a challenge is ok.